Blog: How to disavow bad backlinks?


How to Disavow Bad Backlinks?

Do you ever wonder who links back to your website? How they got your link? Are they helping or hurting your organic ranking? There are over 200 Google PageRank(TM) signal that Google takes into consideration when ranking your website on organic search results. One of these PageRank signal is commonly referred to as backlinks.

Per Google, a backlink from a website to your website is regarded as a vote for the quality of your site. Unfortunately, these backlinks are seldom monitored nor reviewed for quality control because not all backlinks are considered good. Unauthorized backlinks are seldom any good. In some cases unauthorized backlinks can negatively affect Google's opinion of your website due to backlinks online reputation. So Google works very hard to make sure that actions by third-party sites do not negatively affect a website. But you can't leave anything to chance. Google can't do everything for you automatically. Take control of this situation before it gets out of hand. The process is considered advanced but it can be simple enough for anyone to tackle.

If you want to review who links back to your website, visit your Google Webmaster Tools Search Console, click on Search Traffic then Links to Your Site. You can then review all of the websites that links back to your website and disavow websites that you feel are not complimentary to your online business.

Monitoring and updating backlinks is also part of our new monthly website monitoring, maintenance and marketing service. It is just one of many responsibilities that we take care of to make sure that your Wordpress website is updated, secured and search engine friendly at all times.

Please note that some articles are general in description and theory while others are descriptive and specific. Some will include step-by-steps that you can do right away. Choose only what applies to your website. If you get results, then we recommend that you share your newfound knowledge by assisting others in doing the same. We can only hope that in the end, we were able to help an individual, family, community, city, state, country and why not the world. Thank you, in advanced, for your visit.

For your reference, here's a link to what Google has to say about Disavowing Bad Backlinks to your website with step-by-step instruction.

Read More: Google's Article on How to Disavow Bad Backlinks